samedi 23 février 2008

Läser svenska är inte lätt

This was probably one of the weirdest idea I got this year, but learning basic swedish finally tends to be somehow funny and pleasant. I must say that 2008 started so strangely for me, with acrobatic ups and downs, from mourning to snowfun then fuckin' reaper stuff again (though farther), then was this eye surgery thing - also competing in the 2008 stupid ideas contest - that finally turned out to be fantastic from now on. This year already gave me such pain and joy for monthes that the remaining time till 09 is just extra-time.

Well, I reached lesson 8 today, a rather difficult one - for a beginner - with a lot of new words, strange grammatical structures and a prunounciation you have to hear minimum 50 times before getting it. I just tried to see if I had improved by listening to the swedish national radio and trying to find if I could understand what Karin put on her blog. Both tries were interesting in the way they revealed how nothing you can be on this huge blue planet of ours. From the radio, I just got some "Jag", "Fyra", and a few english words lost in a talking ocean of un-understandable words. From Karin's blog, I could at least read words (better than nothing) though understanding only a few of them. With the little help from my friend, an online swedish to english dictionnary, I understood that she was confronted to such misery, oppression and bravery that it put my in the kind of mood you can guess. Svenska är inte lätt, definitely.

Anyway, I just go on this way, spending some of this extra-time I earned with that strange but pleasant north language, just curious and eager to see how much time it takes to learn a (4th) language starting from scratch. I like the idea of learning new languages as life goes on, you never lose your time doing so and I'm already thinking of italian (supposed to be easy for french people) and then an Asian langage, with ideograms if possible.

Well, let's go back to work now, repeat after me : Tack for dina goda råd ...

PS : A quand un raccourci clavier pour le å sur les claviers français ???

2 commentaires:

Karin a dit…

Du är flitig, du! Och gullig!

När jag kommer hem så borde jag försöka med franskan. Så blir vi två som kämpar!


Here is another one, which I use sometimes...

AloneInParis a dit…

Tack så mycket Karin !
Flitig är yag med svenska, men det är en rolig strid (not shure with the en/ett thing again)
Hej då och take care!

ps : thanks for the advice, this is actually the dictionnary i use :)